Ok, which is more awesome: the fact that Baltimore has an ABA team called the Pearls, which has a basketball/clam logo, or that they misspell "BASKETBALL" in giant letters on their Web site?
Look, don't you watch the Wire? We have better things to do here in Charm City than learn how to spell.
You know, I haven't seen the Wire, but I was watching something about it the other day and thought to myself "Dang, that looks like something I'd dig." I'll have to check it out. I take it there aren't a lot of spelling bees involved.
Look, don't you watch the Wire? We have better things to do here in Charm City than learn how to spell.
You know, I haven't seen the Wire, but I was watching something about it the other day and thought to myself "Dang, that looks like something I'd dig." I'll have to check it out. I take it there aren't a lot of spelling bees involved.
i really never thought i'd see the phrase "basketball/clam logo" ... and i wish i had been right.
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